Profile PictureLuciano Schillagi

Desk Content for Programmers (dc4p)

Swift / Deck of Cards

Swift / Deck of Cards COMPLETE (35 sets, +100 cards) Β ~ Early Adopter Offer ~ June 2024

2 ratings

Video Intro...

'Swift Cards,' are your portable 'memory helpers' or 'mini-cheatsheets' for revisiting Swift concepts anytime and anywhere, eliminating the need for internet access, screens, or browser searches.

'Swift Deck of Cards' is portable documentation about Swift language. The deck contains +100 cards that explain these concepts succinctly.

With these cards, you can discover and review Swift concepts without needing the internet, browser searching, screens, or scrolling.

With this tangible approach, you'll have a complementary and offline learning resource in the palms of your hands to read anywhere, anytime. Carefully designed and with curated content, you'll have access to incoming updates to enjoy the product evolution.

Swift is an exceptional programming language for crafting innovative apps; however, when searching for information, we may encounter some challenges:

It is almost impossible to remember in detail all of Swift's topics. There are more than forty!

πŸ™‚ Cards Solution β†’ MEMORY-HELPERS
With "Swift Cards" you have cards (memory-helpers) to review the topic you need. Each set of cards is about a specific topic.

If you need to review some Swift concepts, you'll depend on being connected to the internet (and of course, have an electronic device).

πŸ™‚ Cards Solution β†’ DEVICE INDEPENDENCE
With "Swift Cards" you get independence. You can review any concept without the need for electronic devices. This is a 100% offline, off-screen approach.

If you need to read about a particular concept, search for what you need in the browser, select one of the searcher's results, go to the webpage, and scroll until you find the information.

πŸ™‚ Cards Solution β†’ IMMEDIATENESS
With "Swift Cards" you immediately get access to the concept. Only take your deck and search for the card that you need.

πŸ™ Problem β†’ SCATTERED
Each Swift concept is scattered on an internet webpage. You need to jump into different pages or open many tabs simultaneously!

πŸ™‚ Cards Solution β†’ CONCENTRATED
With "Swift Cards" you have all the information concentrated in a unique point (your deck).

⚑️Problem β†’ PORTABLE
You can take your smartphone and review Swift's concepts from there. But you need your device charged and remember that electronic devices emit frequency waves and light.

🌱 Cards Solution β†’ PORTABLE
With "Swift Cards" you can take your deck and carry it where you want (and don't need batteries or emit anything).

Digital objects like computers, smartphones, and TVs are great. However, that can be a little cold and impersonal.


Analogic objects like vinyl records, cassettes, and decks of cards are warm and personal objects.

Swift Deck of Cards COMPLETE includes:

Published βœ… - (inside the current bundle β†’ 14 sets)

1. Swift "Keywords" Cards (set of 6 cards)
2. Swift "Basic Operators" Cards (set of 3 cards)
3. Swift "Enumerations" Cards (set of 3 cards)
4. Swift β€œType Casting" Cards (set of 3 cards)
5. Swift β€œAccess Control" Cards (set of 3 cards)
6. Swift "Inheritance" Cards (set of 3 cards)
7. Swift β€œNested Types" Cards (set of 3 cards)
8. Swift "Tuples" Cards (set of 3 cards)
9. Swift "Optionals" Cards (set of 3 cards)
10. Swift "Attributes" Cards (set of 6 cards)
11. Swift "Subscripts" Cards (set of 3 cards)
12. Swift β€œCollection Types” Cards (set of 7 cards)
13. Swift β€œProtocolsβ€œ Cards (set of 5 cards)
14. Swift "Extensions" Cards (set of 6 cards)


INCOMING πŸ”œ - (direct to your email β†’ 21 sets)

Swift β€œControl Flowβ€œ Cards
Swift β€œFunctions” Cards
Swift β€œProperties” Cards
Swift β€œError Handling” Cards
Swift β€œClasses & Structs” Cards
Swift β€œOptional Chainingβ€œ Cards
Swift β€œInitialization / Deinit” Cards
Swift β€œMethods” Cards
Swift β€œClosuresβ€œ Cards
Swift β€œProtocols” Cards
Swift β€œARC” Cards
Swift β€œMacrosβ€œ Cards
Swift β€œGenerics” Cards
Swift β€œOpaque and Boxed Types” Cards
Swift β€œMemory Safelyβ€œ Cards
Swift β€œConcurrency” Cards
Swift β€œTypes” Cards
Swift β€œβ€˜Types’ of codesβ€œ Cards
Swift β€œPatterns” Cards
Swift β€œStrings and Characters” Cards
Swift β€œGlossary” Cards

With your purchase at this point, you'll get:

βœ“ Published + Incoming Sets!
βœ“ 2 decks: black/white & color versions.
βœ“ 70 PDFs.
βœ“ + 100 cards.
βœ“ Future updates (improvements based on the user's feedback, language modifications, re-designs, corrections, and so on).


Final Price β†’ $35.-

Now πŸ‘‰ June 2024 β†’ $14.-
(One-time payment)

With each new launch the price increases by $1.-

Each Sunday a new launch.

NEXT β†’ June 16, 2024 β†’ Swift 'Methods' Cards

Current Status:
Published: 14 sets βœ…
Incoming: 21 sets πŸ”œ
Total: 35 sets (100%) 🀝

Swift / Deck of Cards = 35 sets of cards = 35 Swift topics

Questions? Please write to me at

What Early Adopters are saying...

Do you want to see the full catalog (35 sets / Swift topics)?

See here


I have the PDFs. What must I do?
Please see the "Steps/Instructions" section.

Will I have access to updates?
Yes. With your purchase, you can access future card updates (these updates include: language modifications, general improvement, corrections, re-designs, and so on).

Must I download both versions?
No necessary. You can download both versions (black/white and color versions) or only choose who you want.

Can I suggest improvements?
Of course. It is crucial for building a great product to hear your feedback. How can I improve this product? Am I forgetting something? Must I add some more? Is there something that doesnΒ΄t like you?

What if some cards suffer some damage?
Simple. You can print them again and replace damaged cards.

How will I receive the incoming sets of cards?
You'll receive future editions in your email.

Full catalog/schedules here β†’

Some other questions?
Please write to me at

Steps / Instructions:
1. Print the PDFs.
2. Cut off the cards following the guides.
3. DONE!
(Ready to put them next to your keyboard, or carry them on wherever you want)

deck in your daily workspace

Cards in action

Decks of Cards for Programmers
Portable documentation in the palm of your hand

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Swift / Deck of Cards (complete)


Final Price β†’ $35.-
πŸ‘‰ June 2024 β†’ $14.- (current)

by Luciano

This product is not currently for sale.
31 sales
2-day money back guarantee

You'll get 'Swift / Deck of Cards' (35 sets of cards)

Cards Dimensions
83 x 14,5 mm
Black & White version
Color version
Number of PDFs
35 black & white / 35 color
Swift Topics
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